Marjan Šenica |
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Home > a- Ptujsko jezero - nasip > b- Severovzhodna Slovenija > 3 ptice - Birds |
FILE 42/211 |
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File information | |
Filename: | 110bc_labod_grbec_2009_04240008.jpg |
Album name: | smara / 3 ptice - Birds |
Keywords: | labod_grbec Cygnus_olor labodi Cygnus Cygnini gosi Anserinae plovci Anatidae ploskokljuni Anseriformes ptice Aves |
Kraj nastanka fotografije: | Šturmovci 24. april 2009 |
Slovensko ime: | labod grbec |
Strokovno ime: | Cygnus olor |
File Size: | 284 KB |
Date added: | Aug 13, 2009 |
Dimensions: | 900 x 675 pixels |
Displayed: | 320 times |
Exif Image Height: | 675 pixels |
Flash: | No Flash |
Flash Pix Version: | version 1 |
ISO: | 400 |
Resolution Unit: | Inch |
Y Resolution: | 72 dots per ResolutionUnit |
YCbCrPositioning: | Center of Pixel Array |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |